19 March 2014

Step on the gas?

What is the impact of accelerating developmental education sequences? Is acceleration effective? Do more students reach and complete college-level courses if they take accelerated courses instead of a traditional developmental writing or math sequence? It does stand to reason that with fewer exit points, students are less likely to leave the "pipeline," and according to CCRC research released this month, the answer is a resounding "yes."

This evidence supports developmental education redesign efforts underway at Lane Community College including the Academic Learning Skills Department's accelerated developmental writing sequence, the collaborative Math/ALS Math 10 + 20 = 1 term learning community, and the new math pathways endeavor, which will create an alternate pathway to college level math with a focus on statistics instead of algebra.

photo by BƐƞ

12 March 2014

Students Screencast!

Instructors use screencasts for a variety of purposes such as creating tutorials, mini-lectures, or providing feedback, but what about asking students to create screencasts in order to deepen their learning?

Learn more about how one teacher, Kate Lewis, utilizes screencasting in her classroom by having students create the videos. This provides an opportunity to differentiate instruction as students are asked to focus on an area of individual difficulty. Imagine the possibilities as students become producers of media; the instructional uses are limitless.

Image from Wikipedia

05 March 2014

Learn to Screencast!

Lane faculty are cordially invited to attend a workshop to learn to screencast!


Wednesday, March 12
3:00 p.m.

Why learn to screencast?

Screencasts are short, easy-to-create videos that can be used to provide instruction or feedback to students, and they provide the option for students to view the video multiple times, pausing at any time to take notes if desired. Instructors can use them to provide feedback on papers, to provide mini-lectures, or as tutorials on how to do something online such as search for relevant articles or submit a file on Moodle.

Please RSVP to Adrienne if you plan to attend.

What does a screencast look like?

View some of these examples: Math homework problem, Using moodle (for instructors), or Grammar: parallelism lesson.

"Return to Screencasting"
photo by Remy Sharp