24 June 2013

Digital Co-Laboration Continues!

Barbi McLain taught two hybrid WR090 classes in Spring and provides insights on her pedagogical choices in her capstone video. Julie Pfaff  highlights digital badges and experiments with SoftChalk, sharing some innovative ideas for using its HotSpot activities while Jenn Kepka ponders a new approach to peer editing.

Image by Steve Johnson


  1. I didn't see any rules or guidelines for commenting on blogs, so I hope ALSbloggers don't mind if I put in a comment or two. This is very inspiring. In ALS, we have 5 (and .6) full-time faculty at .... I don't know how many part-time. I think I count that # then try to forget. I think it's about 20+. With our wildly differing schedules and offices on two different floors, it's difficult to really have discussions about practice. This is great! I'm learning what you (plural) are trying and that allows me to look for new opportunities for resources that will support you. I am so proud of the way instructors in this department are so supportive of each other, innovative and creative AND you really believe in our students' ability and potential. They need that. - Cathy

  2. We love comments! Thank you for adding yours!
