05 June 2013

Students decide if they are college ready...

According to a recent Inside Higher Education article, students in Florida will be able to decide if they need developmental classes or not. In addition, placement tests will not be required for recent high school graduates. This new state law is polemical, to say the least. As noted in the article, critics suggest that the policy will effectively limit student access to college by setting needy students up for failure. Further, the law is contrary to the ubiquitous student success adage, "Students don't do optional," which is supported by student success research such as studies outlined in this article from The Chronicle.

If the quintessential purpose of our community college system is access, and access is a fundamental cornerstone for equity and social justice, how do we ensure that access does indeed lead to success -- and that we continue to strive toward equity, which is inherent in the mission of community colleges?

Photo by Andres Musta

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